Keywords: Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (USS), battle genre, sketches, drawing, caricature, graphics.


For the first time, the influence on the development of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen's artistic art is studied in the drawings of Lev Getz (1896–1971) of the First World War, which truthfully and authentically depict the life and combat achievements of the Ukrainian Legion of 1915–1918, The article examines a series of graphic works by the artist created directly on the battlefield or during rest between attacks and presented in the general context of the main directions of development of rifle art: caricature, portrait, illustration. The author demonstrates the convincing artistic achievements of the young artist in drawing, acquired in the process of constant practice in the conditions of military operations. The consistent development of his creative potential from a quick sketch (initial drawing) to a skilfully finished drawing is traced. The article highlights Getz's early artistic achievements and the qualitative progress of his professional mastery of graphic means (contour line, stroke, tonal planes). It is stated that the leading genre in the work of the Ususov fighter L. Getz was the battlefield drawing. At the same time, it is found that the artist's early works served as preparatory sketches and outlines for the creation of handmade art books-albums ‗Antology of Rifle Art‘ (1915–1918) and ‗Dombe 1918-9‘. The author analyses the early shooting graphics of L. Getz: themes, composition, figurative artistic solutions, storylines, and execution techniques.
The purpose of the publication is to review the creative heritage of L. Getz and analyse the artist's work of 1915–1919.
The research methodology is based on the use of compositional, stylistic, structural, logical and historical analysis; an integrated approach to the review of visual sources using chronological and source studies methods.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the introduction of little-known graphic works by Lev Getz of 1915–1918 into Ukrainian art history. For the first time, the artist's early graphic works are offered as a subject of research, a comprehensive analysis of his artistic achievements has not yet been made.
The need for a detailed study of heritage graphics is determined by the need to outline a holistic panorama of Ukrainian art of the first third of the twentieth century, taking into account the artist's forgotten or unknown works, without which it is impossible to cover and comprehend the trends in the development of cultural and artistic activities of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, and to significantly complement the overall picture of the national fine arts of this period.
Lev Getz's drawings of 1915–1918 were kept for 50 years in the archives of the Basilian Library in Rome and were practically inaccessible for research. Thus, all the information offered by the author is valuable for a better understanding of the artistic value of the artist's graphic heritage, which will be a significant addition to the achievements of the historical and battle genres in the visual culture of the first third of the twentieth century.
The purpose of the publication is to present the early works of Lev Getz of 1915–1919 in the dynamics of his artistic development, representing a little-explored series of drawings of the First Holy War.

Author Biography

Iryna Gакh, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Lviv

doctoral of Art History
