The article deals with the phenomenon of genre memory of Ukrainian musical folklore, which is truly unique.
However, musical folklore appears monolithic only from a certain time distance, when it is possible to comprehend it as a mentally saturated folklore space.
Research methodology. In fact, musical folklore consists of a number of separate phenomena, facts, often ordinary, rarely artistically unique and not reproducible in the offspring, but this does not diminish the need to apply a phenomenological and cultural approach to their study.
Results. It is important to realize that folk artifacts are preserved in the national cultural memory as an artistic standard under the guise of a certain genre form as a tradition. And these are significant traces of the multidisciplinary
sphere of traditional folk culture, because the artistic thinking of the people canonized the tradition itself as the basic principles of meaning and form creation that remain stable for a long time and shine through in historically distant
variants. Consequently, musical folklore is generally characterized by a focus on a certain model – stable genre formations and content standards, which, as a product of folklore traditions, are enshrined in the concepts of genre type
and generalized in the collective concepts of plot fund, musical and intonation thesaurus etc.
Novelty. The intention to study the genre field of musical folklore in a culturally oriented way naturally actualizes the issue of adequate methodological orientation – such conditions when the topic of the specifics of folklore
thinking reaches the The practical significance. The widespread practice of studying folklore and ethnographic reality in the form of analytical study of the reliability of a single folklore fact is evidence of the algorithms for its processing by
the method of statistics. Against this, the author advocates an analytical methodology for the reconstruction and interpretation of folklore thinking as a significant component of the subject-reflective environment of culture in the
features of artistic language and general knowledge about the universe.