Ключові слова: theater art; the actual trend of modern theatrical culture; independent theatrical format; search for an adequate language for dialogue between the theater and modern society.


The presented study reflects an attempt to make an excursion into the essential world of modern theatrical art, appealing to the notion of the present time as a «realm of visualization» and the complication of forms to the opposition of conflicting aspirations, which, from the author's point of view, appears to be the main impulse of the theatrical experiment. The essential and content features of independent theatrical format are analyzed.

It is emphasized that since its inception, the theater has been an artistic way of explaining life, understanding the world and man's place in it, a detailed projection of the socio-historical context of the era. As a procedural phenomenon, but practically not amenable to fixation – fixation and preservation in physical evidence – this is a phenomenon that arises here and now in empathy, coexistence, which is why it is so relevantly effective and focused on continuous searches and experiments. Speaking about the pressing global trends in the field of culture, it is important to note that the reassessment of values on a global scale is invariably updated: the world passionately clings to the past, but cannot stand still, entering a new era, which is characterized by new general cultural values. Their conductor is the modern theater – the viewer receives something that causes him ambiguous emotions and reactions, which predetermines the motivation of internal intellectual activity. It is summarized that the experimental theater under consideration is a multifaceted construction, basically correlated with the realities of everyday life, but asserting its own artistic laws that dominate life, focused on finding an adequate language for the actual dialogue between theater and modern society.

This is a form of: artistic and figurative comprehension of today's reality, ascending to an intuitive understanding of what lies on the other side of the visible and tangible; experiencing creative power as a way to improve the «world of man»; coding of aesthetic experience and comprehended truth; modeling the knowable and meaningful as the avant-garde of artistic resistance.

Біографії авторів

Світлана Шумакова, Харківська державна академія культури

кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент, доцент кафедри режисури

Марина Островська, Харківська державна академія культури, м. Харків

старший викладач кафедри режисури
