Keywords: stove tiles, private collection, art deco style, art industry


Formulation of the problem. While researching expositions of Ukrainian art museums, the author of the article encountered the problem of certain gaps in the history of domestic applied art. Some of his stylistic directions require a greater presentation in the exhibition halls of museums in order to qualitatively highlight their artistic and historical characteristics. And it is the works from private collections that play the role of the missing «puzzles» in the formation of a holistic image of the decorative and fine arts of Ukraine. More and more often, Ukrainian collectors and collectors of works of art open their collections to the public. They publicize them both at their own exhibitions, in cooperation with museum funds, and on the pages of printed and electronic publications. In particular, thanks to the numerous collection of the restorer, collector of kiln-fired ceramics and traditional Ukrainian potter from Lviv, Andrii Kamenshchyk, it is possible to fill the existing gaps in the history of Ukrainian artistic ceramics. The relevance of the scientific study of tiled products of the last century is due to the active rearrangement and repair of the buildings of that time, hence the accelerated destruction of the surviving kilns in our days.
The results of the proposed study can be applied to further study the features of the Art Deco style in works of decorative and applied art, available both in the expositions of museums of Ukraine and in private collections.

Author Biography

Halyna Koman , Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Ivano-Frankivsk

teacher of the Department of Visual Arts, Decorative and Applied Arts, and Design Methods of Teaching
