Keywords: decorative and appliedart, figurativeart, I. G. Pinzel, sculpture, wood, carving, baroque, altar, snitching, relief, crucifixion, statues, arts and crafts.


The purpose of thisarticleis to structureaccording to chronology the creative works of the sculptor John GeorgePinzel, according to archival and biographicaldataabout the master.

Research methodology. A scientifictoolkitwasapplied, which includes a set of principles, approaches and methods. The studyincludes the principles of scientificreliability and comprehensiveness. To achieve the goal and fulfill the tasksformulatedin the article, arthistory, historical, cultural and restorationapproaches are used. To obtainsubstantiatedconclusions of the study, hermeneutical, axiological, historical-chronological, comparative, historical-cultural, cross-cultural, typological, formal-stylistic, iconographic and iconological, method of artcriticism and artistic-compositionalanalysiswereapplied.
Results. The significantcreativecontribution of John GeorgePinzelin the development of baroque sculpture of Ukraineisrevealed. The number of knownpreserved works of the master and the periodization of their creation are determined. The works are structured according to the chronology of theirperformance, according to knownfacts and historicalreferences.
Keypersons whoinfluenced the creativepath of the sculptorwereidentified. The articleindicatesexhibitionsat which sculptural works of I. G. Pinzel. The actualplaces of exhibiting the sculptures of the master are fixed.
Oremonoted the importance of conservation and restoration of the sculptor's works in the context of preservinghisheritageasanartisticheritage of Ukraine.
Novelty. The articleattempts to structureaccording to the chronology of the sculpture of John GeorgePinzel. They are investigatedtakingintoaccountfactual and historicaldataabout the life and work of the master. The years and centers of existence of works of art, aswellastheirbelonging to specifictemples, are indicated. The creativepath of the sculptorwastraced from the veryfirst works recorded intime to the lastcompletedones.
Practical significance. The informationcontainedin the articlecanbeusefulforstudentswhenstudyingUkrainian sculpture of the Baroqueera, leadingschools and masters of thisperiod. Structuring the works of the master according to the chronology of creation willmakeitpossible to moreaccuratelytrace the creativepath of the sculptor.

Author Biography

Kateryna Eniushina , Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

postgraduate studentat the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
