This article highlights the important role of intonation, while playing a musical instrument in the process of
performing a musical piece, while underlining the relevance of this matter in the context of domra's establishing itself on academic stage and today's rapid development of domra playing school. The lack of researches dedicated to exploring the mechanisms through which the intonating on domra can be realized is mentioned too. In a situation where there is no clearly defined teaching system for introducing the beginners to the basics of intonation, the works by Valeriy Ivko, that suggest an effective mechanism for mastering intonation on domra, are of great importance. The author of the article refers to the tremolo not only as a specific method of producing a sound on domra, capable of conveying the entire palette of
human feelings, but as a specific means of artistic expression, incorporating this technique into the intonation concept. We refer to the main means of musical expression – articulation, dynamics, and agogica.