Museums play an important role not only in preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Ukrainian people. The issue of improving the efficiency of museums' operations and management is becoming increasingly important. Modern technologies are becoming a tool that can solve many problems related to the popularisation of museums, the formation of a museum management system, and the involvement of the public in the activities of museum institutions. The widespread introduction and use of interactive and information technologies will bring museums to a new level. The rapid development of modern technologies, access to the World Wide Web, and the intensification of globalisation processes have led to a review of the main aspects of museums' activities and changes that will meet the main trends in the development of scientific and technological progress and communication and information technologies, in particular. The problems faced by our country over the past decade have affected all spheres of life and the activities of museums in particular. The use of science and technology in museums makes it possible to bring museums closer to visitors. Modern technologies play an important role in the practical activities of museum institutions, as they are designed to increase the efficiency of museum work and its management. Modern technologies are a tool that allows museums to reach a new level, to meet the needs and wishes of visitors. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of museum institutions and the role of modern technologies in their management. No museum can fulfil its main task without the use of modern technologies. To the extent that a modern museum directs most of its efforts towards attracting a new audience and retaining the existing one, most modern technologies will be related to this particular area of the museum's activities. Despite the numerous advantages of using modern technologies in the operation and management of museums, there are problems that need to be studied and addressed in more detail in the future. In particular, the introduction of modern technological solutions requires significant financial investments, which leads to changes in financial decisions, in working with the authorities, patrons and sponsors. New requirements are being set for the staff of museum institutions, which makes them acquire new knowledge and improve their professional level. However, the use of modern technologies in the activities of museums creates new opportunities for learning about the historical and cultural past of our country and the world.