Keywords: bibliology, institutional structure of research activity, scientific bibliological center.


The purpose of the article is: theoretical substantiation of the institutional structure of research activity in the field of Ukrainian bibliology to identify gaps in the development of the research and production component of this scientific direction.
Research methodology. Thirty main works on the topic of research were considered - these are individual publications, articles from professional periodicals and continuing editions, from collections of conference materials, etc. The multifaceted and multifaceted nature of the problem led to the appearance of a significant number of scientific
publications directly or indirectly related to the research topic. These are scientific works on bibliology (book science), general bibliography and general librarianship.
The results. The carried out structural analysis of the institutions of the modern development of bibliological science allows us to state that there is no academic component in it, but the university and industrial components are equally developed. Within each, the following characteristics of research work were selected as the main criteria for further analysis: the existence of a special council for the defense of theses; the number of defended theses; the number of published monographs; the number of textbooks, training aids, reference publications; the actual number of professional periodicals.
The university component includes specialized higher education institutions — institutions of III-IV accreditation levels in the field of culture and related fields.
Novelty. The article attempts to single out and specify the production component of the institutional structure of the scientific research sector of bibliology. It: 1) a network of libraries, dominated by those that have acquired the status of research institutions — national and state; 2) the state scientific institution "Book Chamber of Ukraine named after Ivan Fedorov" (KPU); The university sector of bibliological science is represented, first of all, by the largest and oldest specialized scientific bibliological centers — ZVO of culture and arts — RDSU (former RDIK), KhDAK and KNUKiM.
The institutional analysis revealed that RDSU holds significant positions in the field of research on theoretical problems of bibliology. Employees of the Department of Documentary Communications and Library Affairs of this ZVO are developers of current scientific research topics in the field of bibliology. The result of the GDR of the institution was the publication of the monograph by H. M. Shvetsova-Vodka "Document and book in the system of social communications", the defense of doctoral and 8 candidate theses, scientific - practical manuals, personal collections of selected works and training manuals.
The analysis of the institutional structure of modern Ukrainian bibliology allows us to state a certain limitation of organizational forms: the academic sector of the organization of bibliological research is practically absent, the scientific and educational sector and the industrial sector are almost equally developed. The scientific and educational sector includes specialized departments of universities of III-IV levels of accreditation, the industrial sector is formed by a network of libraries, dominated by those that have acquired the status of scientific and research institutions - national and state, as well as the Book Chamber of Ukraine named after I. Fedorov. In terms of the importance of the scientific contribution to the development of Ukrainian bibliology, the institutional leaders are the NBUV, specialized departments of RDSU and KhDAK, etc., which stably ensure the intensive growth of new scientific knowledge and the training of scientific personnel.
Practical significance: the main provisions contained in the article can be used in the development of conceptual foundations for the further development of domestic bibliology and its individual components — theory, methodology, methods, technology, history, organization and management of bibliological activities.

Author Biography

Maryna Shatrova , Rivne State Humanitarian University

associate professor, candidate of historical sciences,
