Keywords: Ukrainian culture, music-critical journalism, journalism, Nyzhankivskyi, cultural and artistic life, Eastern Galicia, «Vilne Slovo» magazine.


The aim – is to examine the topics and content of materials in the printed press on N. Nyzhankivskyi by Olha Sonevytska, Melaniia Nyzhankivska, and Vasyl Levytskyi, which were published in the «Vilne Slovo» («Вільне Слово») periodical.
Research methodogy. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific and special art historical methods, in particular source studies and historical and cultural studies. The specified methodological approach allows us to identify and understand a significant number of sources (newspaper and magazine materials from periodical
«Vilne Slovo» published in Toronto (Canada) of the 20 th century. The analysis of scientific works, which covered the biography N. Nyzhankivskyi, using a historical and cultural approach, helped to determine her place in the socio-cultural space of Galicia aof the 20 th century.
Novelty. Of the paper lies in the fact that for the first time, a broadscale review of recollections by leading cultural and public figures of the Ukrainian diaspora of the twentieth century on N. Nyzhankivskyi published in the printed press is performed. The attention of the academic community was directed to the arts journalism of this Canadian periodical, which
was an important cultural and communication medium for Ukrainian emigrants in a foreign environment in the twentieth century. The meanings palette of newspaper reports on the figure of Nestor Nyzhankivskyi – one of the founders of Ukrainian music who, through his creative work, contributed to the rise of the national culture to the highest professional
level, is analyzed. The genre of the presented newspaper reports is identified as recollections, or memoirs, about the luminaries of Ukrainian art. Person-centered journalistic material that features a wide information spectrum of life and creative work aspects of Nyzhankivskyi‘s time in Eastern Galicia, namely from outlining little-known details of his biography to bringing up the issue of searching, reviving, and publishing his heritage, is interpreted. Numerous recollections in the printed press pronounce opinions of artists on the preservation of the Ukrainian musical heritage, thereby exposing their sociocultural worldview attitudes in the emigrant, expat context.
The practical significance. Of the paper is concerned with the introduction to the modern academic community of rare journalistic materials, which not only deepen the historiographical, source study, cultural, and art analysis significance of the collected materials on N. Nyzhankivskyi but also highlight the activities of the Ukrainian elite in a foreign ethnic environment.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the content of the newspaper reports analyzed portrays the personality of N. Nyzhankivskyi. The multifaceted topical spectrum of arts journalism materials published in «Vilne Slovo» in the twentieth century had an important sociocultural value of preserving the national memory of the Ukrainian people.

Author Biography

Зваричук Zvarychuk , Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, the city of Ivano-Frankivsk

candidate of art history, associate professor, associate professor of the department of music education and conducting educational and scientific institute of arts
