Keywords: national identity, mentality, gender contract, sacraleness, costume.


The purpose of the article. Analysis of Ukrainian identity in various historical and modern processes of nation building. Definition of the costume as a visual sign, marker and representative of the national identity.
The methodology. The basis of the research of national identity through the prism of costume art defines culturological approach. In the course of this scientific approach are used method of historical retrospection, crosscultural method, method of semiotic analysis to define national symbols and artistic images. It is appropriate to use the art-criticism approach, since the costume is an art work, he takes an important place in the subject area of art culture.
The costume is characteristic of style features, decorative forms and esthetic dimensions. It is important that a folk costume is a personalized thing that performs many functions, in particular, demonstration, self-expression, social marking, etc. function. Productive system of methods and scientific approaches has produced reliable results of the study of the content and structure of the Ukrainian identity, and the role of the costume in her presentation.
Conclusions. The costume plays an important role in the process of constructing the national identity, which is closely connected with the image of my own «I» and the socially structured gender. The gender contract in the Ukrainian traditional culture is serious to equality in relations, because it allows taking into account women‘s experience.
Peculiarities of gender contract are designed in the national context. Folk costume is a means of formation and development of Ukrainian mentality as a kind of phenomenon with such characteristic features as hard work, tolerance, vitality, lyricism, esthetics, etc. This character is presented by brightness and elegance of clothes, picturesque headwear, symbols of ornamental patterns, colors, decorations. Significant in the process of formation Ukrainian identity is the image of Cossacks as a person who freedom will above all.
The scientific novelty. On the basis of culturological and art-based analysis, the concept of national identity has been improved, the indicator of which is Ukrainian folk costume. The definition of national identity has been improved.
The concept of visual presentation of identity through the costume has been further developed.
The practical significance of results obtained. The research results may be used in the further scientific investigations on art history and culture, in the research work of magister and postgraduate students. Also this theme can be used in such lecture courses, as «History of costume», «History of holidays and ceremonies», «History of Ukrainian Culture», as well as for creation of special courses and seminars in the context of gender studios.

Author Biography

Antonina Kikot’ , Kharkov State Academy of Culture, Kharkov

Doctor of Culturology, Professor, Head of the Department of Actor Skills
