Keywords: musical culture, aesthetic culture, festival, Ukrainian festival and competition movement, competition, art.


The article examines the festival and competition movement in Ukraine as a complex contemporary cultural and artistic phenomenon in the dynamics of its development. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities, key trends, and formation of this movement in the aspect of the development of Ukrainian culture. The features of the formation and development of the Ukrainian festival and competition movement as a project activity for the development of cultural life in Ukraine and support of talented artists are analyzed. The analysis of selected scientific sources made it possible to outline the key aspects of understanding the phenomenon of the Ukrainian festival and competition movement. It has been
found that with the development of the complex phenomenon of the festival and competition movement as one of the leading vectors of contemporary creativity, there is a need to form and systematize promising directions of Ukrainian cultural heritage in the context of the festival and competition movement. The valuable aspects of the festival and competition movement in the development of Ukrainian culture since independence have been determined. Attention is focused on the common and distinctive features of the festival and competition movements. Ukrainian festival and competition map is presented as an empirical research base.
The aim of this paper is to reveal the features, key trends, and directions of the festival-competition movement formation in the context of the development of modern Ukrainian culture and its influence on the creation of human cultural mentality.
Research methodology. Theoretical methods and techniques of information gathering for studying material were analyzed. The terminological and categorical basis of the investigation was the concepts and categories that were research tools, the Ukrainian festival and competition movement, music culture, and festivals, in particular. The empirical basis is presented by a map of the festival and competition movement in Ukraine Results. It has been determined that the festival and competition movement in Ukraine is an essential tool in
supporting young people and creating a cultural space. It also develops and popularizes Ukrainian culture in the international arena and is one of the factors of the European integration of Ukraine. Common and distinctive features of the festival and competition movements are described. The key aspects of understanding the phenomenon of the Ukrainian festival and competition movement are defined. The potential of the festival and competition movement to support talented young artists in the cultural activity is described.
Novelty. The festival and competition movement reveals itself as a complex cultural and artistic phenomenon in the dynamics of its development. Analysis of this topic can become an essential tool for forming and systematizing the prospective directions of Ukrainian cultural heritage in the festival and competition movement.

Author Biography

Nazar Menko, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Kyiv

