Keywords: dance folklore, integrative scientific research, authentic folk dance, folk stage dance, dance research technique.


At the present stage, which is characterized by deep and speed changes, the study of Ukrainian dance folklore and folk stage dance is a necessary tool for the disclosure of various layers of the choreographic process, its components, meaning and function in society, which will contribute to understanding the means of choreographic expression within the space of social art. The creation of a purposeful system for studying and understanding the peculiarities of Ukrainian folk dance, as an integral part of the national folk-stage art, will have a positive impact on the quality of training of choreographers-directors. To achieve this goal, the theory and methods of the study of dance should be further studied and modernized – existing schemes should be used to the full, and new ones should be developed and applied in accordance with the progressive development of technologies and mass media.

Author Biography

Olga Boyko, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Куіv

Ph.D., Associate Professor
