Keywords: analytical approach, heritage, polymethodology, interdisciplinarity, sign, «sign mechanism», child prodigies, «imitation of reality - reproduction of reality», sign and symbol.


The article reconstructs the main components of R. Barth's theoretical heritage, which, on the one hand, is self-sufficient and valuable, and on the other hand, is noticeably «woven» into the context of French humanism of the second half of the twentieth century. The multifaceted legacy of R. Barth, which is still actively employed in the European research space forty years after his death, requires an analytical approach to clearly define its components, in particular, the use of the phenomenon of «mythology» to reproduce both socially oriented and personalized cuts of culture creation, comparative analysis of literature and history, argumentation of structuralism as an activity, etc.
The importance of R. Barth's involvement in the process of developing both literary and aesthetic and psychological orientations of his time is emphasized. Since he was a contemporary of J. Bataille, J. Genet, N. Sarrot, A. Rob-Grier, R. Garodi, M. Plainet, J.-P. Sartre, A. Camus, his attitude to the «new novel», «materialism», «realism without shores», «engagement of art», «philosophy of the absurd», and the fundamental ideas of the Tel Kel group enables to recreate the relevant sections of French humanism in terms of time, taking into account the theoretical situation that emerged in the early third decade of the twenty-first century.
The purpose of the article is to use the potential of the analytical approach to highlight those ideas and positions in the legacy of Roland Barthes (1915-1980) that, for various reasons, have not covered enough within contemporary Ukrainian humanities.
Research methodology. The material of the article is based on the potential of analytics, which does not deny the use of historical, cultural, biographical, dialogical and comparative approaches elements.
Conclusions. The material presented in the article has shown, firstly, the expediency of applying an analytical approach to the legacy of R. Barth, some sections of which – for various reasons – remained on the theoretical margins of Ukrainian humanities, and secondly, while analyzing R. Barth's works, the actualization of «polymethodology» proved to be promising, which allowed to explain the «dynamics and purpose of the transition» of the French scholar from one humanitarian science to another; thirdly, reproducing the attitude of the professional environment to certain ideas of R. Barth is of great prospect, since his literary studies have been perceived and evaluated ambiguously.

Author Biography

Svitlana Kholodynska , State Higher Education "Establishment Pryazovsk State Technical University‘, Dnipro

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Head of Philosophical Sciences and History of Ukraine Department
