Keywords: museum, museum strategy, museum marketing, museum communication, museum audience, hashtag marketing, virtual tour.


The purpose of the article is to consider the strategies of presentation and popularization of museum collections from the standpoint of the latest foreign and Ukrainian practices of museum communication with audiences of different ages, which contribute to the formation of a positive image of the museum and its competitiveness in the market of cultural services.
The scientific novelty of the study concerns the comprehensive analysis of transformations in the communication strategies of world museums in the 21st century, which is regarded as a component of the cultural and creative industry.
Research methodology. A set of standard scientific and special investigation methods are used in the case study.
 The author examines the main trends in the development and implementation of the system policy regarding the attraction of the audience to the museum environment and the features of image-formation of museum institutions using institutional, communication, and complex approaches.
Conclusions. Museums of the world are actively implementing marketing strategies to increase the number of potential visitors and meet the needs of the target (permanent) audience. Improving the image and increasing the popularity of museums largely depends on the introduction of modern forms of activity, in particular, the implementation of innovative
museum communication practices. Development and distribution of online content, wide use of social networks, websites, and online channels ensure effective communication of museums in the virtual world. Hashtag occupies a special place in the system of communication strategies as one of the means of marketing. Digitization of collections, virtual excursions and tours, and the use of museum applications are the newest components of museum interaction with various categories of visitors. The combination of social, personal, and online interaction with the audience allows the museums of the world to develop effectively, respond to modern challenges, and form a positive image of the museum. The development of museum strategies is related to interactivity, audience orientation, flexibility, adaptability, and mobility.
Further research perspectives. The issue of the formation of innovative strategies for museum modernization and the implementation of communication innovations into the museums' activities space of Ukraine and the world requires more in-depth study, including the issue of involving the phenomena of participation, branding, and
storytelling in Ukrainian museums to strengthen their image formation.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Havryliuk, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Рrofessor, Head of the Department of Museum and Monument Studies and Information-Analytical Activities

Valentyna Nadolska , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk

PhD (History), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Museum and Monument Studies
and Information-Analytical Activities
