Keywords: Tatiana Yablonska, the beginning of the 21th century, pastel, style, impressionism, fine art, creative activity.


The article is devoted to the creative search of the prominent Ukrainian artist Tetiana Yablonska in the field of pastels.
Her paintings created in this technique in 2003–2005 are considered. In particular, «The Sky in the Clouds» (2003), «Winter Window», «Autumn Leaves», «Gayane and a Green Window», all of 2004, «Summer», «Still Life with Green Bottle», both of 2005, «Bells», a work created on the day of the end of Tetiana Yablonska's earthly life on June 16, 2005. The article describes
the artistic specificity of these works, which manifested itself in the characteristic features of meditative contemplation, a return to the reflection of pure examples of the art of Italian masters of the Proto-Renaissance and mature Renaissance, turning in upon oneself and silent asceticism of being in the conditions of limited physical space and unlimited sacred quests. Problem statement. In the legacy of Tetiana Yablonska, the pastel works of the last three years of the artist's life have not yet become the subject of special interest of art historians. Since in the work of every great master the beginning of its artistic path, that is, the stage of formation, and the completion of the author's work, are like two main
chords of being, between which the «music of creativity» is born, it is important to pay attention to these works, among which there are absolutely unique, masterpiece pastels.
The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the need to study a separate stage of Tetiana Yablonska's work, when she, a right-handed person by nature, had to relearn to paint with her left hand, which is why this part of her late stage of creativity in a certain way reflected her nervous movements and intentions.
The purpose is to reveal the specificity of Tetiana Yablonska's creative search in the last period of her creative life, which was manifested in her pastel compositions of 2003–2005, most of which belong to the artist's family.
The research methodology is based on a set of principles of reliability, art and cultural approaches, ontological, axiological, suggestive, historical and comparative, prosopographic, cross-cultural, iconological methods of art review and systematisation.
Results. In fact, Tetiana Nylivna's work on pastels became her «great and indescribable silence», within which meditative flashes of thought were revealed. They seemed to lift the veil of mystery over her artistic nature, from where fragments of individual «melodies» of the combination of colour and divine «Proto-Renaissance» pure light came. These
bright, optimistic, sonorous moody artistic searches sometimes envelop the viewer with the Odesa sun of her childhood, Podillia breezes of clean air without further «layers» inherent in the artist's youth, the rainbow haze of Transcarpathia with the «indigo» ozone of the mountains, the dew of Sedniv and the epic grandeur of the ancient, monumental and epic city of
Kyiv. A barely perceptible anxiety about the future is reflected in the slightly broken, sometimes somewhat «sharp» lines of some silver, greenish, lilac intentions in the pastels of T. Yablonska with white flashes, a great artist and an outstanding teacher who laid the foundations of the unique Kyiv School of Art of the twentieth century.

The novelty of the study lies in a new understanding of certain works of the late period of Tetiana Yablonska's artistic activity, as well as in their art review, which is introduced into scientific circulation. The practical significance of the study lies in the systematisation of information about Tetiana Yablonska's creative searches in the field of pastels, performed by her during 2003–2005, taking into account the ambivalent meaning of drawing and painting.

Author Biographies

Maryna Yur , Київська державна академія декоративно-прикладного мистецтва і дизайну, м. Київ

Doctor of Art History, Senior Researcher, Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Activities, Professor of the Department of Art History and Art Education

Tetyana Zinenko , National University «Poltava Polytechnic named after Y. Kondratyuk», Poltava

Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fine Arts Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy

Veronika Zaitseva , Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor
